Thursday, October 23, 2014


I was in the CBD today at a meeting in McKillop Street.  It was gorgeous.  The sun was out and folk were eating at tables along the street.  Very continental.

 After the meeting and seeing I hadnt really had breakfast I called in to a cafe called DIP-IN.  Hadn't been there before.  They had an extensive GF menu and I though toast, jam and tea would be good.  I asked for small size and was brough two BIG, BIG slices of fluffy GF toast and three different kinds of jam.

This cafe serves Fluffy toast, not the cardboard imitation which somestimes passes as GF, and a big serve of tea in a glass pot and a big jug of milk.  It was a treat.  

If you are ever down that way I recommend it.  Of course they have lots more than just tea and toast, heaps of dips and snack and cakes.  Its a big cafe with not too many seats, so it feels not crowded.  I loved it.  Forgot to mention, they have a small library which you can take a book from whilst you are having breakfast - for me, that was the icing on the cake…..

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