Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I don't have a juicer because I have always preferred smoothies (green and otherwise), but there are times when a juice just hits the bill.  Thank goodness for the growing real juice range at supermarkets.  Though not nearly as comprehensive as the range you can get overseas, at least we have some.  The three best I use every day. Harveys Carrot Juice ($2), A Sunraysia beet and apple juice (in glass and more beet than apple $5), and Sanitarium Coconut milk ($2).  All of these are fabulous, and a whole lot less expensive than a juicer, although I will be road testing some.

For lunch today I decided to have a beet, carrot and coconut blend.  Totally and absolutely luscious.  On a hot day you can add ice-cubes, and a slice of lemon or lime, and a sprig of mint.

There is no particular percentage of each juice.  Just make it up to your taste. Today,  I put in half beetroot juice, a quarter ccarrot juice and then a quarter coconut milk.

The GLUTEN FREE muffin in the picture comes from a local Woodend
cafe called The Village Larder.  These are the most fantastic GF muffins I have ever tasted, however I ration myself to about one a month.  They are really big, light and fluffy.  I told myself that because I was photographing it for you, I could have one!  So, thank you.  I guess I could make my own, but they wouldn't be nearly as good as this.  The Village Larder advertise that they make everything from scratch - nothing is made from a packet.

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